
Keep track of changes to WP Foundry

v1.2.0 (12 July 2024)

  • Add security page – enables checking plugins, themes and core for known vulnerabilities.

v1.1.0 (25 June 2024)

  • Add ability to select multiple plugins or themes, and perform action (update or backup) on all selected items
  • Add a task queue, which currently applies to plugin and theme actions only. Any actions performed on plugins or themes are added to the queue and executed sequentially, instead of simultaneously.
  • Add wp-config.php download function (on site dashboard)
  • Add confirmation modal when toggling maintenance mode\
  • Add dashboard button to main layout
  • Bugfixes
    • Fix opening incorrect site backup directory
    • Fix issues with plugin & theme uploading

v1.0.11 (9 May 2024)

  • Add users page – enables adding and deleting users, and updating some user properties (display name, email, password, role)
  • Bugfixes

v1.0.10 (4 May 2024)

  • The main purpose of this release is to provide a build for Intel Mac.
  • Minor bugfix

v1.0.9 (1 May 2024)

  • Fix error preventing initial startup on OSX
  • Fix duplicate license key popup

v1.0.8 (29 April 2024)

  • Enable editing of saved site connection details (click ‘edit site connection settings’ on site dashboard)
  • Bugfixes

v1.0.6 (23 April 2024)

  • Add automatic app updates (no more manual downloads required!)

v1.0.5 (16 April 2024)

  • Fix database dump function affecting some users
  • Fix core update function

v1.0.4 (3 April 2024)

  • Add maintenance mode toggle to dashboard

v1.0.3 (2 April 2024)

  • Add ‘open database dump directory’ button on database page
  • Add ‘open backups directory’ button on dashboard
  • Add database size to dumps list
  • Bugfixes

    v1.0.2 (27 March 2024)
  • Add database page with dump function, display dumps
  • Change local directory structure
  • Various bugfixes

    v1.0.1 (18 March 2024)
  • Add log page

v1.0.0 (14 March 2024)

Initial public release. Contains:

  • Plugin & theme management (list, install, delete, update, activate/deactivate, make local backup)
  • Core version display, core update management
  • Ability to run arbitrary commands on server from dashboard page